28th International Festival Sarajevo „Sarajevo Winter 2012“

The International Festival Sarajevo “Sarajevo Winter” will, as every year, represent an encounter of artists from all over the world. The International Peace Center Sarajevo is the organizer of the Festival.

INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL SARAJEVO –“SARAJEVO WINTER” (since 1984) – Titova 9a or Gabelina 16, 71000 Sarajevo, BIH; Tel / fax: ++ 387 33 207 945, 207 948; PBS DD SARAJEVO Acc.1011010000126136; e-mail: ibrosa­@bih.net.ba;  website www.sarajevskazima.ba, SARAJEVO CONCERT HALL website www.sarajevoconcerthall.com BIENNIAL OF YOUNG ARTISTS website www.bjcem.org

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